Our opinion:
Turkmenistan (Turkmenistan Turkmenistan, full form Turkmenistan Respublikasy “Republic of Turkmenistan”, as outdated is the name Turkmenia, which was called the Turkmen Soviet Republic) is a landlocked country in Central Asia on the Caspian Sea. Neighboring countries are Iran, Afghanistan, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan. Turkmenistan has 5.7 million inhabitants.
The majority of the Turkmen population is around 77%; the largest minorities are Uzbeks (9%), Russians (7%), Kazakhs (2%), Tatars (1.1%), Azerbaijanis (0.8%), Baluches (0.8%), Armenians (0, 8%), Ukrainians (0.5%), as well as Koreans and Tajiks. [9] Since the end of the Soviet era, the share of Russians in the total population has fallen, while that of the Turkmens has increased.
In the period from 2010 to 2015, the life expectancy at birth for the total population was 67.3 years (women: 70.8 years / men: 63.9 years). The median age of the population was 27.5 years, the fertility rate of 3 children per woman.
Preparation: worldwide
Departure: by appointment
Departure terminal: by appointment
Duration: 5-8 days?
Arrival terminal: by appointment
Goods: General merchandise; ADR; Frigo
Quotes FTL – on daily price basis
Heavy / oversized transports – on daily price basis
Consulate General of the Federal Republic of Germany
Head / conductor
Margret Uebber, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary
+99 312 36 35 15, +99 312 36 35 17, +99 312 36 35 18, +99 312 36 35 19, +99 312 36 35 20, +99 312 36 35 21
+49 30 1817 67256
mailing address
Magtymguly Ave., Hydyr Deryayev St.
Posolstwo Federativnoi Respubliki Germanija, Hotel “Ak Altyn”, 74 40 00 Ashgabat, Turkmenistan
street address
Hotel “Ak Altyn”, 744 000 Ashgabat
Ak Altyn Hotel / Office Building
opening hours
Monday – Thursday 08:00 – 17:15
Friday 08:00 – 14:00
District / Consular District
Contact to the embassy
Authorities languages in the host country: Turkmen
Note: When using a telephone or fax connection via satellite (Satcom) higher fees.
Accessibility in emergencies (outside opening hours only)
On-call service Tel:
+99365 033576
Accessibility via SMS is only possible within Turkmenistan.
This number is only available for emergencies of German nationals! Visa requests are not an emergency.
www.dragonoil.com. – www.dragonoil.com, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=15158732